About the Artist

Well my name is Jonathan R Lindsey, I have been drawing since before I can remember. A lot of the time it was to help me concentrate on other work. Yes that is right, I would use it to help me pass my  studies. How is this possible?  Well sometimes when you take notes in a class room these notes can turn into a story. I would draw fast sketch gestures of science and even history notes, put them into a story to help me remember.  Teachers though I was not paying attention. Oh yeah I got in trouble and even had my sketch book taken away from me. This was bad for me since my Art was my life line to connect to those around me, to connect to the world.  I left class that day and walked straight to the principles office on my own free will, with tears in my eyes feeling empty I asked to call my mom.  As I talked to the principle and told him what I was doing,  I tried to explain to him that this is how I do things and how my art helps me to understand what I was learning. That day no other teacher ever took away my sketch book. The principle took a look at my work and he was able to see that this was a learning method for my self.

  Since then I learned there are other methods and that there is not anything  that I cannot accomplish, even with a learning disability.  I went on to take AP art classes even to the point that I would be allowed to do independent studies in art.  As I reach the college level, I took all kinds of Art classes, than graphic classes and 3D animation classes.

 Over the years I have learned so many things with thanks to a few very important people.

My brother Sergio  who was and still an inspiration to me. He helped me to understand that nothing should ever hold you back. He was always there for me no matter what, through thick and thin with all that I have through I knew I could go to him when I needed advice and help.  He showed me how to apply for college how to stay focused and accomplish goals that I set for myself.  Even now this blog page is his way of helping to get out there. Showing the world what I have to offer in hopes of getting  that one job with that Graphic company, that animation studio such as  Disney, Pixar, and  Nickelodeon.

Sensai Seizan  my teacher of the Martial Arts Uechi Ryu karate do. I also started learning this at a very  young age and was very fortunate to get to go to Okinawa Japan and study there as a young child through my teenage years till I graduated High school at Kadena High School Class of 93.  He was like the second father for me, helping me to help other learn and be able teach Karate to young kids. and kids with disabilities.  This is something I still do day-to-day teaching other what I have learned, I love to see how it helps people, how it changes those who allow it , and how it becomes an everyday part of their life . This teaching that my teacher left me with has helped me in my daily life activities and work. To be able to multi task,  focus and concentrate on things without becoming over whelmed . I live my life the way of a peaceful worrier.

Last and very important, my mother Beverly Root.  I may not have much, but I have learned valuable skills from her in life and that there is much more than a nice cars or fancy cloths. She showed me the way of Martial Arts, her being my first teacher. I thank her for leading me on a path that allows me to help other. Maybe one day I will be in a Movie acting  or my art work will become famous and all this will still allow me to remember where I came from.  I will remember when she kept that roof over my head and kept me fed. Put cloths on my back in away should could have. We didn’t have a lot of money-getting cloth from the salvation army not having a Christmas till I was 9 or 10 , She never had to buy my love because having nothing was better than having everything when it comes to the  unconditional love that I have for my mother, my brother Sergio and my Sensai.  All these people help me be there for my brothers and sisters when they where in need.  Thank you all for everything in my life and I will become that famous actor or Artist one day. Remember it’s never too late.

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